
A Lovely Day of Knitting

Today I spent quite a bit of time finishing up some knitting projects I had sitting around. I was also able to post some long-awaited pictures to my Ravelry account (you can find me at Kimeknits) which I've been wanting to do. I finished these little booties for a future baby - not mine, I consider it bad luck to make anything for future children. These are just to have on hand for the next baby shower.

I also spent some time outdoors today, beginning with a run along the Fox River. I definitely want to take advantage of this day, with the weather being so unseasonably cool this summer in Chicago. Today I tended to our flowers and herbs outside (even though my husband is a farmer, I like to keep our most-used herbs close at hand - basil, thyme, rosemary and mint). I am in love with these snapdragons.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I totally agree with you regarding the issue of it being bad luck to make anything for future children. Totally.