
bush's inauguration

i do not believe it to be ethical for bush to throw a 40 million dollar party for himself. that is a gross misuse of funds. are there no longer crisis such as tsunami victims, aids, students trying to get through college, kids with crooked teeth? perhaps the same principle could be applied to me, do i really need that pair of diesel jeans, should i instead give that money to the man on the corner? anyway, at desperate times like these i am grateful for npr and the honest commentary on old georgie.


Fayce said...

What you shouldn't believe is the fact that a person who's vision is simply divided by good or evil, could lead a country so rich and powerful. I cannot believe half the country voted against the whole planet ...

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm "posting anonymously" since I'm not registered here, or something like that. Yeah, eBlogger makes Xanga look like child's play. I can't wait to read what you write. This site is so cool, what with how you can say what your're reading, thinking, etc...

Unknown said...

What? There's tsunami and kids with crooked teeth? I don't believe it! In my world, all I know is oil and Texas, so thus it totally justifies that I throw a huge, really expensive, lavish party where I have pop stars dancing all around the state masking the truth about my idiocy and ridiculous nature.....

....oh wait, that's not me, that's someone else. I'm so confused. But since the elections, can you blame me?

Anonymous said...

Look, Bush had an inauguration because it is tradition. Clinton did the same thing as well as Regan and every other president elected for a second term. I wouldn't just go off repeating every line you hear in the news, let me guess... you watch cnn. The Comunist News Network. Anyway, all of you liberals say that we shouldn't get envolved with foreign affairs. You say that The Iraqui Liberation was wrong even though the people are clearly better off without Sadam and his evil thumb of torture. But, when there is a tsunami and there is no chance of people getting shot at it is okay to help. That is like saying that it is okay to help people as long as there is no conflict. That is a load of bullpoop. Start thinking for yourself and not what the liberal bias media tells you to think. Watch FOX for a different perspective. As for one of the other comments.... Jesus is wonderful and merciful. I am a better person because I have him in my heart. If you don't think that things can be separated into either good or evil... I feel bad for you and hope that you find salvation before you pass on, because you need Jesus in your life to save your soul.
The Uncompassionate, Jesus Loving, Conservative

Unknown said...

Dear Anonymous,

I think when you begin spouty off generalizations that you are CLEARLY not fully informed about, you look ignorant. While I have heard the ridiculous "all media is liberal" claim before, when you look further you discover that is just not the case. Being as my college thesis was media, I can tell you for a fact that media in general is either conservative or middle-of-the-road (which as objective as you'll probably get). As a journalist, I take offense that you generalize us as being "liberal media bias," lumping us all together. If you did ANY research on the issue, you would realize that newspapers are notoriously conservative and have been since their inception as newsletters for the crown in the beginning of this country (check your history books, you'll find it). For example, The New York Times has been one of the most conservative newspapers for 100 years and also very respected. Read The Onion for another POV. Journalists also of late have been far more conservative in their reporting on specific issues like abortion, Bush's politics, Iraq, etc. as to avoid the "hot button" issues.

Regardless if it's been tradition or not, maybe as a country we should question a president's inaugueration party. There are far more important things going on that could use $40 million dollars. I'm not saying Bush shouldn't party (even though I don't like him or his politics), have him go hog-wild. But posing the question, "Why are we spending this much money on a party?" isn't necessarily a bad one, or out of place.

And while I respect you for your personal religious beliefs, I've reviewed the past posts and couldn't find a single allusion to Jesus and find it quite offensive to begin telling people to "save themselves" and find Jesus. We do live in America (I know, shocking), and we do allow a variety of religious beliefs into this country. "Good and evil" is not necessarily a religious comment but a moral one of life karma. Don't rush to such haisty conclusions because an opposing viewpoint of your "uncompassionate conservative" POV.

Blogging is a place for polite rhetorical discussion and should be respectful and offer up different perspectives rather than attacking the blogger's posting.

The Liberal Yet Open-Minded and Friend of KimeKnits,
Miss Luscious Luka